android calendar api

The Calendar API is available as of Android 4.0. Creating new events is done via Intents and does not require any permission. Setting properties of the event is done via Intent extras. The user will be prompted if the event should be created. For example

相關軟體 Google Calendar 下載

If you use Google''s Chrome browser and you use Google''s Calendar then, quite simply, you need to install the free Google Calendar extension for Chrome. With the Google Calendar extension installed, ...

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  • Complete the steps described in the rest of this page, and in about ten minutes you'll...
    Android Quickstart | Google Calendar API | Google Developers ...
  • The Calendar Provider is a repository for a user's calendar events. The Calendar Provi...
    Calendar Provider | Android Developers
  • The Calendar class is an abstract class that provides methods for converting between a spe...
    Calendar | Android Developers
  • Create and manage events and calendars for Google Calendar. ... Millions of people use Goo...
    Google Calendar API | Google Developers
  • The Calendar API is available as of Android 4.0. Creating new events is done via Intents a...
    Using the Android Calendar API - Tutorial
  • Google Calendar API使用心得分享 林宗茂 前言 本院聯合行事曆係利用Google Calendar(GC)所建置的,40多個所(處)中心先分別使用GC建立各單位的...
    詳全文_Google Calendar API使用心得分享
  • I would like to create an application for Android devices that uses the Google Calendar Ap...
    Google Calendar Api for Android - Stack Overflow ...
  • If you've been developing for the Android operating system for a while, you know it ha...
    Programming with the Android 4.0 Calendar API: the good, the ...
  • I'm creating an application for android which will use google calendar api. I will be ...
    how to start with google calendar api in android - Stack ...
  • 在Android系統裡面可以使用到關於時間的類別有三種 java.util.Calendar java.util.Date java.sql.Timestamp 主要使用 Cale...
    雜技本 - Android程式開發: Android上日期與時間的處理 - Calend ...